Thursday, September 16, 2021

Dakshinamurthy Stotram - Post 17

Let us take up the second line of the 3rd Stotram today.

Direct enlightenment, through “Tat Twam Asi” the Mahavakya or ‘Great Vedic statement’, is imparted to those who have surrendered to Him.

Surrender & Enlightenment

The Guru first ensures that the student has the spirit of surrender before imparting to him the knowledge of “Tat Twam Asi”. 

One has to surrender to a Guru (who is the Lord Himself) and learn about the nature of God and the nature of his own Self. 

By checking this single quality, all the six-fold virtues, named Shad Sampat, are guaranteed to exist in the student. Only to such a student is the precious knowledge of “Tat Twam Asi” imparted.

After receiving the instruction from the Guru, the student still has much Self-enquiry to do before enlightenment follows. 

Enlightenment comes when we realize that Twam or “Thou”, the microcosmic Reality Atman at the individual level, is none other than Tat or “That”, the macrocosmic Reality Brahman at the total level. To experience this identity is enlightenment.

The Sadhana for God-realization, under the direction of a perfect Master, is pointed out in this Pada. The main elements of this Sadhana are Manana and Nididhyasana

Brahman is the truth of everything. But where Brahman can be discovered? Ishvara pervades the universe. But where is the Ishvaras presence felt? It is within ones own self. This is the uniqueness of Vedantic perspective.

How would guru make you understand the reality? Through the Vedantic teachings

“That thou Art”.

"That" here means the underlying reality because of which this world of forms exists. Ishvar’s pulsating active creation giving existence and appearance is discovered through the knowledge that "you are that"  by looking within.

The TRUTH of you is the TRUTH of everyone. This is discovered directly / immediately.

This is not a matter of belief or faith. This is something you discover directly. The reason you discover directly is it is right within you. Anything that is remote is known indirectly. 

For example a temple in Gangotri in Himalayas is known to you indirectly. 

Suppose the temple is right in front of you, it is known to you directly. It is present in your experience. You are in your experience. You are not remote from your experience. Your true nature is not remote from your experience. That true nature “Atma”, happens to be identical with the reality because of which everything exists.

The Guru wields the teachings of the Veda. The Guru uses the scriptures as a road map to lead you along a path of discovery. The teacher makes you discover the TRUTH (absolute reality) that he or she has discovered.

What do you finally discover? The irony is that the scientists are looking through the microscope. They are looking for the reality because of which the thread exists. But the reality cannot be found on that side of the lens. The reality can only be found on the other side of the lens. That is through a process of self-enquiry, you have an opportunity to discover the reality of all. 

Swami says,

“Tat Twam Asi’, That Thou Art, is the holy declaration of the Sama Veda. Tat (That) was in existence before creation and will remain subsequently too. It is the principle of Total Consciousness, the totality of Being and Becoming, encompassing, and transcending the physical, mental and spiritual realms – Yato Vaacho Nivartante, Apraapya Manasaa Saha, beyond the horizon of expression and imagination. 

The cosmos did not originate from God. It is God. There is nothing ‘other’. There is no second. Some people ask, “Have you seen God?” You reply, “Yes. I have seen God.” Then they might ask, “Where is He? Show Him to us.” If God is in one specific place, you can point your finger in that direction and say, “He is there”. But there is nothing in the Universe different, distinct, or higher than God. 

This microphone, this garland, this handkerchief, all these are God. He is the ‘Tat’ (That), the Omnipresent (Eternal Awareness – Chaitanya). It is referred to as ‘Tat’ (That), since we now imagine It to be distant, far from us. But far from where? Far from your body, your senses, your mind, your reasoning faculty, which are all equipped with limited capabilities? But once your intuitive consciousness is aroused, that which appears to be ‘far’ becomes ‘close’.”

One looks up to the Guru as the one who can solve the problem of suffering. Refuge is the place we go for safety, security, comfort, peace. The Guru is the one who can teach you in such a way that you can find peace, comfort, safety and security. Guru can remove any fear and can finally remove all your suffering.



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