Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Dear All,

The quote apparently seems to be confusing as it has seemingly contradictory expressions like words and silence, action and deep rest.

The expression suits the existence of a realized Master.

Only a Guru / Master's words / teachings can bring in silence of mind of a sincere disciple.

Only the Master's actions can bring in deep rest in the mind and heart of His disciple.

Only the deep rest of mind, devoid of ego, can help one discover the inner fulfillment / inner Joy!


1 comment:

  1. SILENCE !!

    This one Experience takes you to THAT mystic state!! Indeed through Acharya’s pour, learned 3 types of Silence:

    1. Silence through Mind;
    2. Silence through Speech;
    3. Silence through Action.

    Practicing these 3 types of Silence, takes us to a Supreme Tranquil State!!

    Once we practice this intensely, all restlessness comes to an end!!

    What EXISTS then is the Truth alone, the SELF where there is absolutely no "I" thought. That state is called SILENCE!!

    Guru further poured and continues to pour on Silence.

    Inner Silence is Self Surrender!! And that is living without the Sense of Ego!! The above lines emerge naturally in the ultimate fulfillment where you derive the eternal Joy!! Love Loving Love!!

    Hari Aum Tat Sat.
