Sunday, April 16, 2017

Creation of the Universe - Part 11


Suppose there is a big boulder, a stone. You see the stone; it is very hard and heavy, and you can touch it as a solid object. 

Bring a sufficiently powerful microscope and look at this stone. You will find that the stone is a heap of very minute, fly-like, insect-like entities called molecules. It is a heap of certain things, and not one solid object.

Bring another, more powerful microscope, more powerful than the earlier one. Even the molecules will not be seen there. There will be still finer elements looking like almost non-cognisable particles which are called atoms.

Bring a still more powerful microscope. You will find that even these little particles melt into a continuum of energy, or force, which impinges on the energy centres which are other atoms. It looks as if there is one sea of force everywhere, an indistinguishable continuum.

What has happened to the stone?

Can you say that this sea of force, these atoms, one day thought: “Let us become a stone”? 

If the atoms have really become the stone, they will not be there for you to see through the microscope. 

You will conclude that they have never become the stone. It is only your vision that presents the perception of a solid object.

These so-called ‘things’ – molecules, atoms, energy centres, etc. – never became the stone. They were never transformed into the stone. They did not create the stone. They exist and have always existed in the same condition as they were when you perceived them through a powerful perception.


At the end of our spiritual journey, we must reach THE state when we are not able to recognize anything other than GOD, the SELF, the pure consciousness which is described in the Aitareya Upanishad verse “Atma va idam eka evagra asit, nanyat kin cana misat”. We exist as that very Atman as per the above verse.

When we reach that state, there can be no more doubt / question in us as to how the creation came into being.

The only difference is that in one case our perception is gross, and in another case it is subtle and correct. 

The stone has not been created, though it is solidly perceivable. In the same way, the world has not been created, though it is visible to the eyes.

The human journey in the spiritual path is always from the grossest to the subtlest, which we will learn in all further posts as well.


Human Life
Big Boulder seen.

Our body, Mind, senses, anger, jealousy, hatred, attachment, fear- only these are perceived.

Molecules, atoms seen.

Pure intellect, pure inner being experienced within us and in the world.

Continuum of energy.

Divinity experienced seen within and nothing else is there to perceive / to know.

We had kept a question flagged in a post sometimes before, may be before 10 days. 

The question was "When God existed without Body, Mind, without any attributes, without any form, then how could God WILL to create this world?? From where the thought or will to create can arise?".

Though this question will be dealt in a much more subtle way after the readers glide along with further posts on creation and reach the required level of subtlety within, at this juncture, it is important to understand one thing.

As mentioned before, exactly as we start with a solid boulder/ rock and at the end, at the subtlest level we see that there is no rock but only sea of force everywhere, an indistinguishable continuum, similarly, whether the creation is there or not, when a sadhaka reaches the subtlest level of experience in his sadhana, he is unable to feel/ experience the creation at gross level. 

Only his inner experience shines, like there existed only the continuum of energy when seen with the most powerful microscope.

It is thus only Shivoham, Shivoham and Shivoham at the end of spiritual journey!


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